Why Choose Dental Implants?

Periodontists are frequently asked by their patients, why they recommend dental implants over dentures. August is AAID Dental Implant Month and an excellent time to discuss the benefits of dental implants in Hudson, NY. Knowing the advantages may help you to decide which restoration to choose when replacing missing teeth.

Top 7 Reasons to Select Dental Implants
  1. Look your best. When you have lost a tooth, it can make you look older and feel less attractive. Dental implants replace the whole tooth, from the root to the crown.
  2. Improve your bone health. When you lose a tooth, the bone in and around the socket begins to deteriorate and will continue indefinitely. The only way to stop bone loss is to introduce something that simulates a tooth root, like a dental implant post. When a titanium post is integrated with the bone, it preserves bone health.
  3. Get a worry-free smile. Dental implants provide a permanent option for restoring missing teeth. This means that implants will not move or slide in your mouth. It also means that you can eat whatever you like. Because implants are secure, you typically will not have any dietary restrictions.
  4. Your oral care routine will not change. You brush, floss, and schedule regular dental exams and professional cleanings for your implants, just as you have for your natural teeth.
  5. Avoid the discomfort of dentures. Removable dentures rest on your gums, which can cause irritation and sores. With implants, crowns are anchored to posts, leaving gum tissue unharmed.
  6. Dental implants can last a lifetime. When you get dental implants in Hudson, NY, you are choosing a permanent, durable restoration. With proper care, you may never need replacement.
  7. Improve your self-esteem. A beautiful smile can give you back your confidence.

There are many more benefits associated with dental implants. It may be time to learn more about them. Call our office to schedule your appointment with Dr. Robert Danz. Our experienced periodontist can answer all of your implant questions during a no-obligation consultation.

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