The 5 Biggest FAQs about Gum Disease

Did you know that 75 percent of U.S. adults suffer from moderate to severe gum disease? Despite how common this disease is, many people do not know that bleeding gums in Hudson, NY, are a symptom of its first stage of gingivitis or that gum disease can be reversed at this stage. Since gum disease is a progressive condition that only worsens over time, it is important to know the symptoms and receive treatment as soon as possible. Read about the 5 most frequently asked questions about gum disease here:

  1. What is periodontal (gum) disease?
    Gum disease is a chronic infection of the gums and jaw bone caused by the buildup of tartar and bacteria on the teeth that initially inflames the gums. If left untreated, tartar can buildup below the gum line, creating “pockets” between the teeth. The three-stage condition is characterized by progressively worsening symptoms, including bleeding gums, gum recession, chronic bad breath, loose teeth, and even jaw bone and tooth loss.
  2. How do I know if I have gum disease?
    The most prominent symptom of gum disease is inflamed, bleeding gums in Hudson, NY. Teeth that bleed during brushing or flossing are cause for concern. Another sign of gum disease is when the gums pull away and dark triangles of space appear between teeth. The best way to discover if you have gum disease is to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Robert Danz.
  3. How is gum disease treated?
    Gum disease is treated differently, depending on the stage. For the first stage of gingivitis, we provide scaling and root planing, a deep cleaning that removes tartar buildup and smooths the teeth to encourage gum reattachment. For more severe cases, a gingivectomy or osseous surgery may be required, which removes diseased gum tissue, cleans the teeth, and evens out damaged bone, if necessary. Dr. Danz also offers LANAP®, a minimally invasive laser gum disease treatment.
  4. Why is it important to receive treatment?
    Gum disease is a progressive condition, meaning that without treatment, it will only continue to cause harm to the gums, teeth, and jaw bone. Gum disease has also been linked to systemic issues, and the more severe it becomes, the greater the risk for complications like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Gum disease can lead to other health issues as well, including diminished nutritional intake from progressively failing teeth and a loss in self-confidence due to a smile damaged by disease.
  5. What are the benefits of gum surgery?
    Treatment of gingivitis can halt gum disease for good, though more serious stages can only be treated, then managed with routine periodontal maintenance. In each case, treatment is necessary to restore the health of the gums and teeth, and ensure that no further disease develops. When the mouth is healthy, self-esteem is improved, smile aesthetics are restored, function is improved, and overall health increases.

Do you have bleeding gums in Hudson, NY, and think you may be at risk for gum disease? Schedule an appointment with our office. Dr. Danz provides customized treatment geared toward improving the health of your smile.

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